How to Type Urdu in MS Office

Before starting anything, keep one thing in mind that this title is used just to bring you here, this post covers much wider areas. Means that after this tutorial, you will be able to write in Urdu, not only in Office but in other programs as well. You name the software and I am sure that it will work there too.
We are more familiar with the usage of MS-Office or Kingsoft-Office, than Inpage Urdu or any related software. So it would be nice if we can use our own language without learning the new software. Remember the post where I have told you about how to write in your native language in your browser? Well this post in an advanced version of the previous one. Taking you one step aheadthe browser and moving to your operating system softwares. No effort is needed from your side as I have already covered this for you :)

Alright! Lets Begin.

>> Download Google Input Tools from here.

>> Installation wont take much time.

>> Now a trick, though it isn't required but helps a lot.

>> In Windows search panel, type Region and Language.

>> In the window that appears, click on Keyboard and Languages, and then on Change keyboard.

>> You will see something like this. Notice the lower part and make sure that Google input tools is there.

>> Now click on Language Bar tab and select Hidden. If you don't do this now, you will eventually do it in future because this language bar is so annoying.

>> Now click on Advanced Key Settings tab to assign the shortcuts to the language you wanna use. Click on Change Key Sequence and choose shortcut combination you like. I am using this,

>> Enough with the trick. Now open any text editor or program where you wanna use Urdu. Now press the key combination you have assigned in the previous step. In my case, it is Ctrl+Shift+2. You will notice a Google language bar.

>> Type in your roman Urdu like the one we use for SMS today, Its working :)

>> If you want a good looking Urdu font, then try any one of these. I am using Pak Nastaleeq. Don't forget to install the font.

>> Now here is a proof that it works in MS-Office.

Pretty cool huh, If this one is working for you then make a comment below in Urdu and tell me about it.