Make your USB bootable in a single click

Usually, many computers or laptops that is used every day will feel heavy. It happens may be because some virus, trojan, mallware on computers or laptops. And many applications are installed or uninstalled, so it will be effect to registry system. So, computers or laptops will feel heavy.

It is a common problems, it problem can be fix using some tools, for example Tune Up Utility. Usually this problems occurs in Windows OS (Operating System). Sometimes, the problem is so complex that the best way to solve it is to reinstall OS.
The method to Reinstall OS is using CD/DVD are integrated OS. This is can't to use in computers or laptops are haven't CD/DVD ROM or CD/DVD ROM is broken. So, USB Flashdisk is a smart solution 

Now, I will share how to create USB for Bootable. First, we must prepare :
  • ISO file OS (Operating System), The Source OS in ISO file. 
  • USB Flashdisk minimum of storage is 4 GB. Its a safe zone. The important is the size storage if Flashdisk largher than size of ISO file.
  • Rufus, it is a USB Bootable tools. You can download in Here.
Okay, if we having all it, Let's we do this Step by Step to create USB Bootable . Don't forget broo... This bootable tools are running on Windows OS, so you must use Windows XP or higher.

1. After you downloading Rufus. Plug your USB Flashdisk, and than run the rufus. Below is view of Rufus. Than, select your USB device. 
2. Check "Quick Format". I'm suggest that. Before you do it, will be better if you backup all your data.
3. Click "Start". And than formatting process is begins.
4. Check "Create a bootable disk using". Look at below.

5. Click image it, it use to browse where is your ISO File.
6. Than Click "Start". It is a process to initialization of ISO File.
7. This is a indicator if the ISO  File is good. Look at below.

8. And than click "Start". It a process of Copying ISO file to USB Flashdisk and it takes a few minutes.
9. Finish. If the indicator showing "DONE". Look at below. So, your USB Bootable is successfull 
- See more at:

If you are not so advanced user and looking for a simple solution to make a USB Drive Bootable for your Windows Vista/ Windows 7/ Windows 8 to install from directly from your USB, then we have a simple solution with very easy steps. No need to install any software or apps its super easy and simple as plug and play. So, lets download the "Rufus" and as per our experience this is really simple and 99.99% reliable to work with any brands of USB drive. So, you don't have to think about the brands of your USB even it works for memory card through card reader.

Here is the simple steps-
1. Download the app "Rufus"
2. Open the app
3. Select your USB Drive on "Device" path
4. Select the ISO file by clicking the CD button beside ISO image
5. Keep all settings like the screen shot
6. Press Start and wait for a while and you will see the "Done" message bellow the about button once it is done.
Isn't is super cool? That's it and cheers!

Note: Please make sure you take your necessary files backup before applying this tools because it will format the USB during the process. Credit goes to Rufus and you may visit them for future updates.