Reset Forgotten Password in Ubuntu with in 2 mins

Reset Your forgotten Password in ubuntu or Access your friends system without knowing their password just in 2minutes or less.

There are so many reasons you might want to reset a Ubuntu password:

  1. Someone gave you a computer with ubuntu installed but not the password.
  2. You just installed Ubuntu and forget the password during installation or some of your friends forget the password.
           First you have to reboot your system.
            Hold down the shift key during bootup.
From the boot menu, select the (2nd Option) recovery mode.


After you select recovery mode and wait for all the bootup processes to finish.

             After the following screen opens select the root Drop to root shell prompt & press ok.After     selecting root option the root shell prompt will be open below.Now the file system state is read only mode.We have to change read,write mode in order to change password.


To list the user currently present in the system type the $ls /home command to list usernames.


            After listing select the username that you want change the password.In my case i am going to change the password for username dinesh.
root@ubuntu:~#mount -o rw,remount /
                                          (make sure that you have to give space after remount in the above command)
root@ubuntu:~#ls /home
root@ubuntu:~#passwd dinesh

Step 8:
        After you get back to the recovery menu, select resume normal boot.Then use the passwordwhatever you changed for  the particular username.Crack it!!!!!!!!! 
               If you have any doubts post the comments here.