Mount google drive in ubuntu linux

how to mount google drive in ubuntu linux

Google drive is a great technology from Google which offers users to store the data with cloud technology. Also it offers Google Apps  such as Google docs, sites and more provides to users to complete their task easier. A year ago, Google released Google Drive to store large number of files to users up-to 10GB data. After that more people love this technology and started to use it. Now many of the users are using it will not depend on any other technologies.

But for this , every time users have to login in the browsers, and after that they will start to work on the google drive with many features.

What you think, if you can able a to use Google drive from your Linux machine?

Yes, now its possible. You can able to mount the google drive in linux and use it from the desktop. For this google-drive-ocamlfuse  is used here. Google-drive-ocamlfuse is FUSE file system back-end for Google Drive.

 From the following steps we will see about how to install and use it.

Features :

--> Multiple account support
--> Read/Write support for regular files and folders
--> Easy to transfer files
--> Provides read-only access to Google Docs, Sheets and Slides
--> Converts to  ODS, ODT of PDF

Installation Methods :

Step 1 : Open Terminal by Accessories -> Terminal or CTRL+ALT+T

Step 2 : Add PPA for google-drive-ocamlfuse by

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alessandro-strada/ppa

Step 3 : Now update the software repository by

sudo apt-get update

Step 4 : Install google-drive-ocamlfuse by

sudo apt-get install google-drive-ocamlfuse

Usage Methods :

Step 1 : After the installation, you need to start ocamlfuse. For this, enter the below command in your terminal.


Now the window opening in your browser. It will ask you to allow the google-drive-ocamlfuse to access your Google drive. Press Allow to access it.

Step 2 : After the permission section ended, go to terminal and create folder for access google drive files in one place. To do this enter the following command in your Terminal.

mkdir gdrive

It will create gdrive folder in your system.

Step 3 : Now mount your google drive in your operating system by

google-drive-ocamlfuse gdrive

It will mount your google drive in the gdrive directory.

Here after you can able to use your Google drive files in your system without accessing over  web browsers.

Unmount Google Drive Folder :

If you want to unmount the google drive as you mounted, just enter the following command in your terminal.

fusermount -u gdrive

Troubleshoot Google Drive Folder :

If you have any problem, you can able to bug the system. For this, enter the following command in your terminal...

google-drive-ocamlfuse -debug gdrive

Clearing Cache : 

If something goes wrong, you can try clearing the cache by

google-drive-ocamlfuse -cc

Note: You can use any name or any directory existing in your system to mount the google drive. For this, just change your directory path name with the gdrive. One more thing, i created gdrive in my home folder. Also in my terminal my working path set to home folder. That's i used directly the folder name to mount the google drive.

If you have any doubts, post it in comments, we will help you.

Check Screenshots below...