Solve Mail search problems in iMAC Outlook Spotlight Service Error

 Spotlight Service is Indexing Service in iMac or Apple Computer which will index all the sort of search, some time it get stuck because of long time running of the computer without restarting. or the Mail Option is Unchecked from spot light services, when you are going to search by some body name in outlook it will disable the 3rd option and give spotlight service error. Even when you know the basics of searching in Lion’s Mail, sometimes an email message you clearly remember stubbornly stays lost. If a Mail search doesn’t display messages that you know it should—and you’ve ruled out user error such as selecting the wrong mailbox, or choosing a header instead of message contents—there are several possible causes. Which solution to use depends on whether errors occur searching message contents (the body of your message) or headers (the contents of the To, CC, BCC, From, and Subject fields).

Solution : i m defining the solution in easy words just make that mac Restart with proper Shutting Down will make that problem away and it enable the option in Mail Search. 

If problem Still than it need to restore the service of sport light by recovery tool mode it is best to contect the apple store for that recovery option.

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