1.First of all we need to check whether our NIC(Network Interface Card) support Adhoc network mode,for this we need to run our Cammand Prompt as Administrator,
2.After running your Command Prompt as Administrator,you need to check
for your hardware,whether it supports the hosted network mode or not by
typing the following command:
If Hosted network supported says Yes,then you are all set.Otherwise,you need to upgrade your hardware, if the software update does not fixes it.
3.Now we will begin our network setup bu writing the following command:
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=<enter_network_name_here> key=<enter_password_here>
4. Till now, your hosted network has been created. Now, you need to start it. Use the command below:
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
5. Now you are all set, with just one thing remaining. If it’s not already enabled, you need to allow Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) for your currently-active internet connection. Simply head over to Network & Sharing Center, and in the properties for the current internet connection, enable ICS. Make
sure to select the ad hoc connection under Home Networking connection.
6.Enjoy your Adhoc network.
Method 2
Wi-fi technology is used foe Data
Transmission.Generally people use this technology to transfer data..My
post is for to increase data transfer rate in wi-fi technology. I will
give you detail about how to create Adhoc Netwok without any software on
windows based PCs. We can use any software which are available ,But if
we want to just create Adhoc Network then why waste money on such kind
of softwares and applications.In windows-7 there is a grafical interface
to create Adhoc Network manually.But in windows-8 it is not possible,
So we can create Adhoc Network by using command prompt manually.
These are the steps for creating Adhoc Network:
first Open windows command prompt in Admin user.we can open command prompt by using following steps:
(a) Click on lefte bottom corner START BUTTON.
(b) After click menu will pop-out, click on RUN console with Admin user.
(a) press windows logo button and "x" Button together.
(b) A prompt notification will open and ask to open with admin rights or not. A dos screen will seen.
This is the command prompt.
Type in command prompt "netsh wlan" and press Enter.
If you show this screen then you can simply follow instruction from the command Help.
Type “Set hostednetwork” with
desired option as :
"set hostednetwork mode=allow"
"set hosedtnetwork ssid=ssid1"
"set hostednetwork key=passphrase keyUsage"
-->Replace the fields after “=” on the above command lists to desired value.
-->Replace “ssid1” with the name that you want to create for you Wi-Fi ad hoc network.
-->Replace “passphrase” with the password that you want to set for your Wi-Fi network.
-->And now finally you have done is configured your own ad hoc Wi-Fi network.
After successfully created the ad hoc network, follow the steps below to start it:
-->Open the command prompt with admin privilege as said in step no. 1.
-->Type in the command prompt “netsh” and then press enter.
-->Now type “wlan start host” and press enter.
-->You will be greeted with a message stating that you have
successfully started the hosted Wi-Fi ad hoc network.
Now test the Wi-Fi ad hoc
network that you created. To test the Wi-Fi ad hoc network that you
created follow the steps below:
-->Let other PCs to connect to your network.
-->After that simply open my computer.
-->Select the folder you want to share and then click properties of
it. Inside the properties of the folder you will find a sharing option.
Click on it and select share to all or specific user pc connected to
your network.
-->After this click on networks tab on my computer.
-->You will see a list of connect computers as shown above in the
image. Click on any pc you want to browse files of and enter username
and password of the pc when a pop up screen asks for it.
-->You can browse only those folders that are set to be shared with you or are shared as public.
-->This way you can successfully transfer data from the PCs with much faster speed of the Wi-Fi devices.
To share your internet connection over this ad hoc network follow the steps below:
-->Open network sharing from the windows control panel.
-->Click on network icon on the desktop screen at the right bottom corner with the right mouse click.
Select the option of Open Network and Sharing Centre.
-->Now select the internet connection that you are using and click on its properties.
-->Select the sharing tab on the properties.
-->Share the connection with the list of either specific PC connected
on the ad hoc network or with all to share it with all the connected
-->Now you have successfully shared the internet connection of the host PC.
Note: To be able to browse the PC from the computer menu, you will be to
have the sharing and network discovery mode to be turned on.
To turn it on, click on the advance sharing menu from the Open Network
and Sharing Centre of the control panel. See the image below to know how
to turn it on.
After following all the steps, you will be able to
create the Wi-Fi ad hoc network and share the data among the connected