Hamachi VPN Tunnel Error easy Fix

Hamachi is best to play the games with your friends by creating a virtual private network. But sometimes it gives errors and problems that couldn't be solved easily. Like a few days back when I was going to play Counter Strike with my friends I saw something like a yellow triangle with my friend's name. The details told that it is VPN error or something like that. I was like! WHAT THE..............   but then i fixed this. Wanna know how?

Allright! Lets Begin

>> Start the Hamachi and power it On.

>> You will get an IP address, For example 
      Remember this, we are going to need this.

>> Now go to your Network and Sharing Center.

>> Click on Change Adapter Settings.

>> Make sure that Hamachi is the first connection/top priority here. (You can do this by clicking onAdvanced --> Advanced Settings. Move Hamachi to the top with the arrows)

>> Right Click on Hamachi and select Properties.

>> In the next window that appears, Select Internet Protocol Version 4 and click on Properties.

>>  In General Tab make sure that both the options of obtaining the IP are set to Automatically Obtain.

>> In Alternate Configuration, click on User Configured radio button.

>> Now here in IP Address, put the IP that you got from Hamachi when you powered it on.

>> Put the Subnet Mask and Default Gateway as shown in the image here.

>> Don't change anything else. Press Ok then Close to save the settings.

>> Restart you computer.

>> Next time you power on the Hamachi you will see that VPN error is GONE FOREVER.

Thats how I fixed this.

Hamachi VPN Tunnel Error