Make Windows 8 Ultra Fast

Even though Windows 8 was conceived to be much quicker than its predecessors from the get-go. we have heard that many people are really experiencing performance matters and that the OS is actually a bit slower.

Of course, there are numerous ways to tweak Windows 8, especially in case you're utilizing a desktop computer, but when it comes to tablets, things are a bit more perplexing.

That's why we determined to display you two distinct and very easy tricks to advance the presentation of Windows 8 without expending too much time fine-tuning things. 

Keep in brain that both tutorials are specifically directed at tablets, encompassing Windows RT apparatus, but they can very well do the job on laptops and PCs too.

They do not require advanced computer knowledge, but you should own manager privileges on the system you're employed on.

Optimize Windows 8 for best presentation

Just like its predecessors, Windows 8 arrives with dedicated backgrounds to optimize the operating scheme for either best presentation or best look. 

Of course, you can always let Windows 8 select what's best for your computer, but in case you're hoping to get a blazing very quick apparatus, “best presentation” choices are the right way to proceed.

fundamentally, turning on this choice disables some visual consequences of your Windows 8 computer, but in come back, offers much quicker stacking times and better response. The Start Screen will burden quicker, while the live tiles will display data much much quicker.

To switch Windows 8 to performance mode, here's what you need to do:

Right-click the “Computer” icon on the desktop and hit “Properties.” In the left panel, select “Advanced system settings” and afterwards click on “Settings” in the “Performance” section.
performance optimize,optimize performance windows 8

Select “Adjust for best performance” and hit apply. It's also recommended to enable the “Smooth edges of screen fonts” option to keep the modern look of system fonts, especially while browsing the web with Internet Explorer.

Disable the Windows protector service

handicapping the Windows protector service could be rather cooperative for some Windows 8 devices, but there's something very significant that needs to be considered before doing it.

rotating off Windows protector could reveal your files, as this is the app that defends your computer from malware and other risks. In Windows 8, Windows protector cannot be removed, but only handicapped either manually or mechanically when you install a third-party security tool.

This particular trick is only recommended on Windows RT tablets, as no malware has been developed to exploit such a device without anti-virus protection.

Here's what you need to do to disable Windows Defender:

Launch the Registry Editor by going over to the Start screen and typing “regedit.exe.” Navigate to the following path:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender

Take ownership of the key by right-clicking it and hitting the “Permissions” option. Click “Additional settings,” go to “Owner” and type in your username. Now go back to “Permissions,” click on “Add” and write down your username once again. Check the “Full Access” option and save.
disable defender,windows 8 defender

Look for the “DisableAntispyware” option in the right side of the screen and change its value to 1. Reboot the computer and that should be it.