Captain Planet Cartoon Photos

To Theme or not to Theme... Calandra (NQ) 

So now this is happening: Captain Planet's getting his own movie. Did it ever amuse you guys that his name was Captain Planet? Like, "Captain Just-Any-Ol'-Planet?" Has he ever protected Mars or Jupiter or anything like that? Or did he ever turn down the opportunity to save the moon because, "Hey, that's not my thing?"


Evolutionary Elementalism – Calandra (NQ 49)

So, let's talk about the show itself. The premise is that the planet is in peril due to us mucking it up. Gaia, the spirit of the Earth, can no longer stand the destruction plaguing our planet. Why she had to wait so damn long though is beyond me. She sends 5 magic rings to 5 special young people.
Kwame, representing Africa. The leader of the group, and usually the most SRS of the bunch. He has the power of Earth.

And finally there's perhaps the most infamous member of the group, South America's Ma-Ti. He has the power of Heart. Not lightning, or ice, or grass, or anything actually cool. He has the power of frigging heart. And what, prey, does heart do? Let's him talk to the animals, and communicate with the other Planeteers
So, let's get into the episode du jour. Like I said, the majority of the plots focused on the environment, and those worked. What didn't work are plots that were outside it's norm, and this episode is definitely no exception to that. It's called "A Formula For Hate", and may contain the stupidest supervillain idea in animated history. But let's not beat around the bush any longer. Let's review this thing.

Skumm's a dumbass.

Meanwhile the Burger King Kid's Club... I mean, the Planeteers, are still tring to find Skumm, while Todd is concerned about his future. But it's inspirational black coach to the rescue, as he tries to cheer the lad up. The Planeteers eventually find Skumm, who leads them into a trap. Skumm leads them into his sewer lair, and uses a gun that shoots restraints on them. He leaves them to drown as he is off to exact his "greatest plan ever". But since Wheeler has his ring hand free, he uses it to blast a hole in the wall, freeing them. As they head off to face Skumm, he's already busy telling the entire school of Todd's ailment.

Because a creepy man in a trenchcoat seems like such a reliable source.

But sadly, it works, as the rest of the kids begin to treat Todd like crap. But hey, their just kids, and kids are stupid. It's not like the adults are gonna... Oh who the hell am I kidding?

Captain Planet Gaia Cartoon Photos

Gaia is the spirit of the Earth. She is a modern rendition of the primordial Greek earth titan, possessing an amalgamation of physical characteristics from all human races.

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Captain Planet Gaia Cartoon Photos

Gaia is the spirit of the Earth. She is a modern rendition of the primordial Greek earth titan, possessing an amalgamation of physical characteristics from all human races.

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Captain Planet Gaia Cartoon Photos

Gaia is the spirit of the Earth. She is a modern rendition of the primordial Greek earth titan, possessing an amalgamation of physical characteristics from all human races.

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Captain Planet Gaia Cartoon Photos

Gaia is the spirit of the Earth. She is a modern rendition of the primordial Greek earth titan, possessing an amalgamation of physical characteristics from all human races.

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