Easy Fix USB Pen Drive Folder Trun Into Shortcut

1. Make sure that you have Hidden Files checked on in the ribbon inside Windows 8 File Explorer. Now open the Command Prompt with administrative privileges and  type this command and hit Enter. Here, substitute h: with your USB drive letter.
attrib -h -r -s /s h:\*.*
FIX Files Folders In USB Turned Out Into Weird Shortcuts 2 Fix: Files & Folders in USB turn into Shortcuts
2. After doing this, come back to the USB drive, you’ll find that command has been executed, but the shortcuts are still there. Since the files got executed, you can move them easily to your desired target location.
FIX Files Folders In USB Turned Out Into Weird Shortcuts 1 Fix: Files & Folders in USB turn into Shortcuts
3. Move all the necessary files to desired location, and let the shortcuts remain as it is. After this, format the USB drive. Next, run the System File Checker scan to the Windows. Also run a complete scan using Windows Defender, or any anti-virus you’re running.
4. Copy your data files back.
This should resolve the issue.


or save the following in a .bat file to make it easier to use
title Fix files and folders turned to Shortcuts in USB Drive
@echo off
echo "Enter Drive letter"
set /p driveletter=
attrib -s -h -r /s /d %driveletter%:\*.*